Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friends & the Word of God

It is so nice to sit and talk with old friends. Betty, Marsha & I have known each other over 30 years and have been thru a lot. We're all coming to God more as we get older and now we sit around and discuss God & the bible more than anything else. We try to figure out where God what's us to be and what we should be doing. We're always seeking and it's never ending but we really think we're on the right path. God has a purpose for everyone and we just need to keep trying to do the right thing.

I've always followed something my grandmother told me when I was very little (many moon's ago - haha) "Always due unto others what you want done unto you!" I've always tried to live by that though have not always been able to. We can only do the best we can and keep looking toward God for guidance.

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